1. “Exceptional people learn that doing their best is all they can do.”
2. “Never blame what you are on what someone else is.”
3. “Wisdom considers not only the cost of choice, but also its value.”
4. “The only person standing in your way is staring back at you in the mirror.”
5. “Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”
6. “Real friends tell you the truth… even when you want them to shut up.”
7. “Criticism is a painful pill to swallow, but it always makes you better.”
8. “When crushed to your knees, it is best to dig in your heels.”
9. “It is difficult to prove yourself reliable when people are required to wit for you.”
10. “The best part about burning your candle at both ends is that everything is much brighter in the middle.”
11. “Resilience is the ability to attack while running away.”
12. “Meet every level of frustration with a greater level of character.”
13. “Maturity is developed by respecting others an accepting responsibility for violating that respect.”
14. “The only true failure is failure to try.”
15. “There is no future in waiting for tomorrow.”
16. “Hate is a hole that exists in your heart; and the more that you hate, the more you fall apart.”
17. “Mankind’s greatest achievements are found on thank you notes, not resumes.”
18. “For every achievement, there is a critic to devalue its worth.”
19. “In every difficult situation there is a door to opportunity for which optimism is the only key.”
20. “A perception of impossibility should never go unchallenged.”
21. “Until you can’t do, you can always do more.”
22. “Reputation is generally proof of how little one knows about a person.”
23. “Ignorance fears diversity as an invading enemy, while wisdom welcomes diversity in an alliance of friendship.”
24. “Determination is frequently found in failure, but it is never found in defeat.”
25. “It has always been, and will always be true; those who do the most good suffer more than most do.”
26. “A family ship will never sink until it is abandoned by its crew.”
27. “The most important thing you will ever giver your children is a little of your time.”
28. “Apology is mankind’s nearest course to perfection.”
29. “Sometimes the greatest victories we can make for mankind are the victories we make over ourselves.”
30. “If something is worth doing right, it is worth doing right now.”