1. “Everything depends therefore on encountering thought at its source. Such thought is the reality of man’s being, which achieved consciousness and understanding of itself through it.”
2. “When language is used without true significance, it loses its purpose as a means of communication and becomes an end in itself.”
3. “What makes us afraid is our great freedom in the face of the emptiness that has still to be filled.”
4. “Greatness of mind becomes an object of love only when the power at work in it itself has a noble character.”
5. “A scientific approach means knowing what one knows and what one doesn’t. Absolute or complete knowledge is unscientific.”
6. “The moment is the sole reality.”
7. “The soul of a landscape, the spirits of the elements, the genius of every place will be revealed to a loving view of nature.”
8. “We must learn to talk with each other, and we mutually must understand and accept one another in our extraordinary differences.”
9. “Reason is like an open secret that can become known to anyone at any time; it is the quiet space into which everyone can enter through his own thought.”
10. “All democracies demand common public education because nothing makes people so much alike as the same education.”
11. “Philosophy as practice does not mean its restriction to utility or applicability, that is, to what serves morality or produces serenity of soul.”
12. “Philosophic meditation is an accomplishment by which I attain being and my own self, not impartial thinking which studies a subject with indifference.”
13. “The community of masses of human beings has produced an order of life in regulated channels which connects individuals in a technically functioning organisation, but not inwardly from the historicity of their souls.”
14. “As a universal history of philosophy, the history of philosophy must become one great unity .”
15. “To decide to become a philosopher seemed as foolish to me as to decide to become a poet.”