1. “Action is stronger than subjectivity. No matter what you feel or think, you can still act.”
2. “Every choice eventually leads to wisdom.”
3. “In life, stress happens when you resist what arises.”
4. “Life is not a private affair. A story an its lessons are only made useful if shared.”
5. “Conscious evolution begins as we take responsibility for clearing our own obstructions.”
6. “You get no more and no less than what you believe you deserve.”
7. “We discover our character through decisions under pressure.”
8. “You have to lose your mind in order to regain your senses.”
9. “Our sense of self-worth is the single most important determinant of health, abundance and joy we allow into our lives.”
10. “If you want a kinder world, then behave with kindness; if you want a peaceful world, make peace within.”
11. “A warrior does not gie up what he love, he finds the loe in what he does.”
12. “Wisdom is the use of knowledge.”
13. “Thoughts naturally arise. The point of meditation is not to banish thoughts but to make peace with them by realizing their lack of substance.”
14. “If you face just one opponent , and you doubt yourself, you’re out-numbered.”
15. “Better never begin; once begun, better finish.”
16. “To be authentic literally mean to be your own author.”
17. “Life is a series of moments. The quality of attention and action that we bring to each moment determines the quality of our lives.”
18. “The warrior acts, the fool reacts.”
19. “Live with a peaceful heart; cultivate a warrior’s spirit.”
20. “You don’t have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you”
21. “Choice means saying no to one thing so you can say yes to another.”
22. “Freedom from mental distraction equals power.”
23. “If you want peace of mind I suggest you resign as general manager of the universe.”
24. “While some of us act without thinking, too many of us think without acting.”
25. “Consciousness is not in the body; the body is in consciousness. And you are that consciousness.”
26. “Dream big. Start small and then connect the dots.”
27. “This planet is a divine school, and daily life a classroom. Our choice of teachers depends on what we need to learn.”
28. “Choice means giving up something you want for something else you want more.”
29. “Meditation is a valuable exercise, but eventually you have to open up your eyes and look around.”
30. “The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination.”