1. “Nature provides exceptions to every rule.”
2. “Only the dreamer shall understand realities, though in truth his dreaming must be not out of proportion to his waking.”
3. “Two persons love in one another the future good which they aid one another to unfold.”
4. “Some degree of expression is necessary for growth, but it should be little in proportion to the full life.”
5. “There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman.”
6. “Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live.”
7. “What concerns me now is that my life be a beautiful, powerful, in a word, a complete life of its kind.”
8. “A civilized man is a larger mind but a more imperfect nature than the savage.”
9. “Art can only be truly art by presenting an adequate outward symbol of some fact in the interior life.”
10. “Tremble not before the free man, but before the slave who has chains to break.”
11. “Nature seemed to have poured forth her riches so ithout calculation, merely to mark the fullness of her joy.”
12. “There are noble books but one wants the breath of life sometimes.”
13. “Truth is the nursing mother of genius.”
14. “The man of science dissects the statement, verifies the facts, and demonstrates connection even where he cannot its purpose.”
15. “Drudgery is a necessary to call out the treasures of the mind, as harrowing and planting those of the earth.”
16. “The soul of the great musician can only be expressed in music.”
17. “Genius will live and thrive without training, but it does not the less reward the watering pot and the pruning knife.”
18. “This is a method of genius, to ripen fruit for the crowd by those rays of whose heat they complain.”
19. “The life of soul is incalculable.”
20. “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”
21. “Pain has no effect but to steal some of my time.”
22. “We cannot have expression till there is something to be expressed.”
23. “The use of criticism, in periodical writing, is to sift, not to stamp a work.”
24. “Man is not made for society, but society is made for man. No institution can be good which does not tend to improve the individual.”
25. “All greatness affects different minds, each in its own particular kind, and the variations of testimony mark the truth of feeling.”
26. “Our desires, once realized, haunt us again less readily”
27. “There is some danger lest there be no real religion in the heart which craves too much daily sympathy.”
28. “Amid all your duties, keep some hours to yourself.”
29. “Whatever the soul knows how to seek, it cannot fail to obtain.”
30. “I know of no inquiry which the impulses of man suggests that is forbidden to the resolution of man to pursue.”