1. “It is boring to have all the answers. Only political people have answers.”
2. “Usually music is used to hide a film’s problems.”
3. “I think that religion is an integral part of human needs, but the question also is how you understand religion.”
4. “Drama lives on conflict. If you’re trying to deal with social issues seriously, there’s no way of avoiding violence, which is so present in society.”
5. “Of course, we avoid death. To know something is inevitable is one thing. To accept, to truly feel it… that’s different.”
6. “Like every filmmaker, I make my films to reach the widest audience possible.”
7. “I try to get closer to reality, to get close to the contradictions. The cinema world can be a real world rather than a dream world.”
8. “A feature film is twenty-four lies per second.”
9. “I think watching a movie that simply confirms my feelings is a waste of time. That applies not only to movies, but also to books and every form of art.”
10. “An artist is someone who should raise questions rather than give answers. I have no message.”
11. “As a private person, professionally I am invisible.”
12. “That is one of the characteristics of fascism, the idea that the state can provide all of the answers for everyone.”
13. “It’s a disease of critics that once they’ve labeled someone, it’s very hard to change their perspective. It’s laziness.”
14. “You become a film critic because you’re interested in film. I don’t know whether knowing so much about cinema leads you to make better films, but it certainly can’t hurt.”
15. “A strict form as mine cannot be achieved through improvisation.”
16. “I consider all my films an experiment, at least in my mind.”
17. “The dumber people are, the more they feel the need for a broad set of shoulders they can lay their head agaisnst.”
18. “What we’re doing for another person is more important than what we’re feeling for them.”
19. “Never say no. It always depends on what’s possible. I don’t care so much where it is; it’s what I want to do that matters.”
20. “What I like are films that take me seriously, that don’t treat me as more stupid than I am.”