Uncategorized 15 Quotes by Susan Jacoby vishnam October 3, 2022 1. “Sincere religious faith is both a relationship and a love affair. That is one of the many reasons atheism is not a religion.” 2. “I have always regarded the development of the individual as the only legitimate goal of education.” 3. “I believe that whether one believes in God or not is – it’s very central to who I am.” 4. “The government should not be in the business of funneling money for social services through any faith-based organization.” 5. “The more intelligent and competent a woman is in her adult life, the less likely she is to have received an adequate amount of romantic attention in adolescence.” 6. “We do want our fellow citizens to respect our deeply held conviction that the absence of an afterlife lends a greater, not a lesser, moral importance to our actions on earth.” 7. “I think people who love each other an live together and have children together need to agree on the things that are most important in life.” 8. “Whether you are religious or nonreligious, may you find solace in the knowledge that the suffering is ours, but that those we love suffer no more.” 9. “We do not want our fellow citizens to respect our deeply held conviction that the absence of an afterlife lends a greater, not a lesser, moral importance to our actions on earth.” 10. “This mindless tolerance, which places observable scientific facts, subject to proof, on the same level as unprovable supernatural fantasy, has played a major role in the resurgence of both anti-intellectualism and anti-rationalism. 11. “I can’t imagine falling in love with a devoutly religious person.” 12. “Atheism is not a religion. One of the thigs, in fact that atheism lacks are the kinds of rituals that religion does provide and I would be the first to say that.” 13. “The biggest religious wars and persecutions in history occur when religions, each claiming their own absolute truths, come into conflict.” 14. “All its heart, all intellectual an emotional life is a conversation, and the conversation begins at birth.” 15. “The forgetting of the history of marginalized groups is both a cause and effect of thei marginalization.” Continue Reading Previous: 30 Quotes by Eric SchmidtNext: 20 Quotes by Barbara Jordan Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Related Stories Uncategorized The Evolution and Impact of Compact Discs (CDs) in Music and Data Storage vishnam July 3, 2024 Uncategorized The Evolution and Function of Firewalls in Network Security vishnam July 3, 2024 Uncategorized The Ancient Art and Science of Palmistry: Exploring the Mysteries of the Hands vishnam July 3, 2024