1. “The bolder and more courageous you are, the more you will learn about yourself.”
2. “We will be in tune with our bodies only if we truly love and honor them. We can’t be in good communication with the enemy.”
3. “Nothing you say can ensure that the other person will get it, or respond the way you want. You may never exceed his threshold of deafness.”
4. “No book or expert can protect us from the range of painful emotions that make us human.”
5. “If you want a recipe for relationship failure, just wait for the other person to change first.”
6. “Many of our problems with anger occur when we choose between having a relationship and having a self.”
7. “The first world we find ourselves in is a family that is not of our choosing.”
8. “Whole-hearted listening is the greatest spiritual gift you can give to the other person.”
9. “Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.”
10. “Don’t count on the power of your love or your nagging to create something that wasn’t there to begin with.”
11. “Feeling inadequate is an occupational hazard of motherhood.”
12. “Underground issues from one relationship or context invariably fuel our fires in another.”
13. “Anger is a tool for change when it challenges when it challenges us to become more of an expert on the self and less of an expert on others.”
14. “People marry with a deep longing that their partner will tend to their wounds, not throw salt in them. Honor your partner’s vulnerability.”
15. “When you can’t see yourself objectively, you won’t see anyone else objectively, either.”
16. “Silence can pose a greater threat than the difficult truth.”
17. “Something the most helpful thing you can do is to top trying to be helpful.”
18. “It is a act of courage to acknowledge our own uncertainty and sit for a while.”
19. “Love alone is never a good enough reason to marry.”
20. “The miracle is that you children will love you with all your imperfections if you can do the same for them.”
21. “Fear has never helped anybody make good choices. It leads to clinging when we should be walking.”
22. “As long as we can feel hope, there is hope.”
23. “As many have observed, it is easy to tell a lie, but it is almost impossible to tell only one.”
24. “We all fear change, even as we seek it.”
25. “The strongest relationships are between two people who can lie without each other but don’t want to.”