1. “I think mostly it’s the adventure that I will have in making the movie. That’s what I look for.”
2. “I started my career without fans.”
3. “It’s a wonderful thing when your trainer is actually the person you’re playing.”
4. “If you’re doing your job properly, you take the risk of feeling slightly foolish and delve in and bring out the emotions.”
5. “There’s a level of confidence in the actor you’re working with that really helps a lot. It makes all the difference.”
6. “The point of having a director is that they make the final decision; it’s their point of view, they set the rhythm and they make the final decisions.”
7. “In everyday life, my wife is the most wonderful. We’re in love with each other beyond belief.”
8. “I never want to feel that I’m paying it safe.”
9. “The interesting thing about a movie is the movie.”
10. “Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough. Sometimes people have got to have their faith rewarded.”
11. “I always want to confuse people in terms of any kind of image and be unpredictable in any kind of movie I make.”
12. “I do like taking stuff seriously that a lot of people look at as nonsense. I enjoy the insanity of that. And I like the commitment that is needed for that.”
13. “After the modest success of my first film, I found it very daunting to have to live with that kind of burden of expectations.”
14. “An actor should never be larger than the film he’s in.”
15. “The only thing That I’m obsessed with is sleeping, and actually, it ia more than an obsession, it is a pleasure.”
16. “I find what I do for a living really funny. I mean, acting is kind of a hilarious thing for a grown man to call a job.”
17. “There’s nothing like boxing for getting you in shape.”
18. “You have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things.”
19. “I swear, the bigger your muscles get, the duller you are. You become fascinated with carbs and protein and ripped abs and things that are just not interesting at all.”
20. “The art of survival is a story that never ends.”
21. “Well, it’s embarrassing to be a star.”
22. “It’s not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.”
23. “Planning a career, I always find a tricky thing, because I don’t have much of a plan, really.”
24. “I find something fascinating about the quiet man in the background who has no desire to be the center of attention.”
25. “It’s the actors who are prepared to make fools of themselves who are usually the ones who come to mean something o the audience.”
26. “It’s about pursuing it rather than waiting to see what comes along.”
27. “I have a fear of being boring.”
28. “The risk element only came from acknowledging other people’s attitudes toward it and realizing that they considered it to be a risk for me to do.”
29. “Art is something to be proud of. Art is no compromise.”
30. “I would have been very happy just cruising around and enjoying the unexpected. I’ve never been ambitious.”