1. “No animal is a better judge of comfort than cat.”
2. “I think it was the fact that I liked it so much that made the writing just come out of me automatically.”
3. “Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
4. “I could do terrible things to people who dump unwanted animals by the roadside.”
5. “A farmer once told me one of the greatest luxuries of his life was to wake up early only to go back to sleep again.”
6. “If you decide to become a veterinary surgeon you will never grow rich, but you will have a life of endless interest and variety.”
7. “I love writing about my job because I loved it, and it was a particularly interesting one when I was a young man. It was like holidays with pay to me.”
8. “I wish people would realize that animals are totally dependent on us, helpless, like children, a trust that is put upon us.”
9. “If having a soul means being able to feel love ad loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
10. “Animals are unpredictable things, and so our life unpredictable. It’s a long tale of little triumphs and disasters and you’ve got to really like it to stick it.”