1. “Anything is an art if you do it at the level of an art.”
2. “There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is truth.”
3. “My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.”
4. “One man’s fantasy is another man’s job.”
5. “I think all art is about control – the encounter between control and the uncontrollable.”
6. “The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion.”
7. “Faces are the ledgers of our experience.”
8. “Real people move, they bear with them the element of time. It is this fourth dimension of people that I try to capture in a photograph.”
9. “Start with a style and you are in chains, start with an idea and you are free.”
10. “It’s not hard being great occasionally. It’s difficult to be good consistently.”
11. “If each photograph steals a bit of the soul, isn’t it possible that I give up pieces of mine every time I take a picture?.”
12. “To be an artist, you have to nurture the things that most people discard.”
13. “People, unprotected by their roles, become isolated in beauty and intellect and illness and confusion.”
14. “There’s always been a separation between fashion and what I call my deeper work.”
15. “The pictures have a reality for me that the people don’t. It is through the photographs that I know them.”