1. “I became an actor so I didn’t have to be myself.”
2. “A lot of people are living with mental illness around them. Either you love one or you are one.”
3. “The problem to me is violence. It’s not cool to kill somebody or hurt people.”
4. “I don’t know, one out of every two marriages ends up in divorce so there’s a lot of great people out there who people aren’t happy with.”
5. “The true value of somebody in this town is very hard to determine. It’s all smoke and mirrors.”
6. “My belief about acting in one foot on a banana peel and the other one in the grave.”
7. “If you’re not yelling at your kids, then you’re not spending enough time with them!.”
8. “It’s a mature thing to understand that your pictures of a lifetime together with someone were… well, the reality is not what we’re taught”
9. “You really can have your dreams and at the same time have a family. But it has to be a really deliberate practice.”
10. “I didn’t really have any interest in producing anything.”
11. “It’s easy to do nothing, but your heart breaks a little more every time you do.”
12. “You value the thing you are fighting for, but then you learn to value the time it takes to do it and the time you have off. Both of which are precious.”
13. “For some reason, my whole life has been, ‘You can’t do this, you can’t do that.”
14. “There is nothing a good lng walk can’t help work out.”
15. “I don’t understand how people can take a gentle, loving life and treat with such cruelty.”
16. “Climate change is the greatest threat to our existence in our short history on this planet. Nobody’s going to buy their way out of its effects.”
17. “There’s a level of trust that you have to have with somebody.”
18. “No great advancement has ever been kept at bay because of ideology, nor greed. Eventually progress moves us forward.”
19. “Nothing anyone says in a bar is true.”
20. “You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.”
21. “Each role, I feel like takes you on a different jourey based on who that character is.”
22. “I try to do things that speak to me in one way or another and sometimes I’m even drastic.”
23. “I like to disappear in the parts I play.”
24. “It’s a point of ride that no one would treat me differently because I’m an actor than if I was a gardener.”
25. “There’s a misperception about actors that we actually choose the roles we end up doing – it’s more that we’re chosen for them.”
26. “We are turning our grief into winnable actions.”
27. “I’d never seen anyone do a rebuttal review to some of the reviews.”
28. “I like extremes. I like to change things up and keep from getting complacent or stale.”
29. “People say funny things all the time during really serious moments in life.”
30. “I ran to my marriage, I was happily ready to take on marriage.”