1. “Concentrate attention is the collection of units of power on a chosen point of intention.”
2. “The only competition you will have is the competition between your disciplined and undisciplined mind.”
3. “Success is messy. But so is life. Deal with it. Poverty is messier.”
4. “The journey of true success and lasting leaderships begins with inward journey to the soul.”
5. “Often what may appear as a detour i life is actually he most direct and empowering path to your destination.”
6. “There is no happiness if the things you believe are different than the things you do.”
7. “Control is never achieved when sought directly; it is the surprising result of letting go.”
8. “God’s greatest gift to you is your unlimited potential. Your greatest gift to God is to us that potential to the fullest.”
9. “Your business and results are reflection of you. your business and results will grow in direct proportion to your own growth.”
10. “In your life defining moments there are two choices – you either step forward in faith and power or you step backward into fear.”
11. “Involution always precedes evolution.”
12. “True wealth is not what you have, it’s what you’re left with when all you have is gone.”
13. “The Universe will kick you out of your nest so you can fly.”
14. “Winners take the action that others won’t.”
15. “Every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant.”
16. “While the cat’s away, the mice will play.”
17. “All results no matter how magnificent are infinitesimal when compared to future possibility.”
18. “Every great tradition has told you that you were created in the image and the likeness of the creative source. That means that you have God potential and power to create your world.”
19. “Animals are wonderful, because they put you in a great emotional state.”
20. “The most difficult battle you ever fight is the battle to be unique in a world that will marshal its every force to keep you the same.”