1. “A good coach improves your game. A great coach improves your life.”
2. “What will matter is not your success but your significance.”
3. “The choices you make in your life ill make your life. Choose wisely.”
4. “Success comes in can’s. Failure comes in cant’s.”
5. “If we don’t invest now in building character into children we will surely invest more tomorrow in trying to repair adults.”
6. “An ounce of action is worth a ton of good intentions.”
7. “Honesty doesn’t always pay, but dishonesty always costs.”
8. “Our character is revealed by how we treat people who cannot help us or hurt us.”
9. “Everything you do sends a message about who you are and what you value.”
10. “Integrity, respect, compassion and fairness become obstacles to people who think winning is everything.”
11. “Not everything that id good for you is fun and not everything that is fun is good for you.”
12. “Gratitude should be felt and experienced sincerely, expressed generously and received graciously.”
13. “Failure is much easier to handle if you just think of it as feedback to guide your next effort.”
14. “Character is the moral strength to do the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.”
15. “The ethical person should do more than he is required to do, and less than he is allowed to.”
16. “People who fight fire with fire end up with only the ashes of their own integrity.”
17. “Values are good things only if they are good values.”
18. “You don’t have to be sick to get better.”
19. “Don’t ask whether it is going to be easy. Ask whether it is worth it.”
20. “We judge our own character by our best intentions and most noble acts, but we will be judged by our last worst act.”
21. “Don’t sacrifice a good life for a good time.”
22. “Good character is the single most important attribute of a successful and worthy life.”
23. “Yes and no are very powerful words. Mean them when you say them. Respect them when you hear them.”
24. “Gratefulness is a payment everyone can afford.”
25. “What will matter is not what you learned, but what you taught.”
26. “Ethics are not about the way things are, it is about the way things ought to be.”
27. “It is better to be unsuccessful pursuing a significant goal than being successful attaining an insignificant one.”
28. “Personal integrity is important not because it gets us what we want, but because it helps us be what we want.”
29. “Necessity is not merely the father of invention; it is the father of courage.”
30. “You can’t escape moral judgement through a legal loop hole.”