1. “Don’t ever discourage someone from trying to better their life and health.”
2. “Never underestimate the power that one good workout can have on your mind. Keeping the dream alive is half the battle.”
3. “Set small goals along the way and don’t be overwhelmed by the process.”
4. “We train together to make each other great.”
5. “Acknowledge all of your small victories. They will eventually add up to something great.”
6. “You can’t do in a race what you haven’t prepared for.”
7. “Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to dream big. You’re living your life with hope, that’s a powerful thing”
8. “The journey isn’t always perfect, but always worth taking.”
9. “There are a million reasons why you can’t. Focus on the few reasons why you can.”
10. “Once you make a decision that you will not fail, the heart and the body will follow.”
11. “Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.”
12. “What would happen if we took the time each day to quietly celebrate our accomplishments and focus on the positive?”
13. “Running allows me to set my mind free. Noting seem impossible, nothing unattainable.”
14. “Running is a head game. When you’re running, there are two options: let your mind wander or focus. To compete, you must focus.”
15. “Do the work. Do the analysis. But feel your run. Feel your race. Feel the joy that is running.”