1. “Handwriting is more connected to the movement of the heart.”
2. “Writing can teach us the dignity of speaking the truth.”
3. “Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath.”
4. “If you are not afraid of the voices inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you.”
5. “Indefinite plans get dubious results.”
6. “The problem is we think we exist.”
7. “Creativity exists in the present moment. You can’t find it anywhere else.”
8. “We must remember that everything is ordinary and extraordinary. It is our minds that either open or close.”
9. “The difference between neurosis and wisdom id struggle.”
10. “When you are present, the world is truly alive.”
11. “A writer’s job is to give the reader a larger vision of the world.”
12. “Literature gives us the great gift of the present moment.”
13. “Anything we fully do is an alone journey.”
14. “Writing is the act of discovery.”
15. “If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you.”