1. “I never had any idea that i would have a career quite honestly. You never really have any idea what is going to happen. You have an idea of what you would like to happen.”
2. “If I can be working actor, if I can be an actor and not have a day job, I’ll be fine.”
3. “I would love to be able to get behind the camera and direct actors. I think that would be a lot of fun.”
4. “I come from a visual background. I used to work in the camera department at Warner Bros. when I was a teenager. I grew up dusting lenses and learning about photography.”
5. “Some people receive medication in order to properly deliver films.”
6. “If I could spend more months out of the year employed than unemployed, that would be nice.”
7. “I’m a big comedy nerd so I’m always looking for the chance to be funny.”
8. “I’ve always really been fan of scenes in which you’re able to be as natural as you want.”
9. “I pretty much know that directing means that you have to answer about a thousand questions every day and you have to answer them quick.”
10. “The only entry level position on a movie is director.”
11. “To be quite honest, I’m not religious.”
12. “I collect watches because I’m always late, and I need to know exactly how late I’m going to be – in order to come up with a good excuse.”
13. “When it comes down to it, I just want to work.”
14. “You could make a film about being intoxicated only when you’re riding motorcycles, but really when you’re in an enclosed space safely, you can.”
15. “You learn stuff from your kids, every day.”