1. “One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.” 2. “The unprepared mind cannot see the...
Month: December 2022
1. “It is essential for world peace that world religions make peace with each other. If they...
1. “I’ve always anted to make the world a more rational place, I’m still working on it.”...
1. “The problems are solved not by giving new information, but by arranging what we have known...
1. “A mother is the truest friend we have.” 2. “The tie that which links mother and...
1. “Love has a tide!” 2. “There is nothing so skillful in its own defense as imperious...
1. “Film is just a mirror of the society we live in.” 2. “Beauty is no handicap...
1. “Hell is nothing but the nature departed or excluded from the beam of divine light.” 2....
1. “A self-fulfilling prophecy is an assumption or prediction that purely as a result of having been...
1. “If we can keep our competitors focussed on us while we stay focussed on the customer,...
1. “Speech is external thought an thought internal speech.” 2. “Memory always obeys the commands of the...
1. “If you believe in the right to life, then you must believe in the right to...
We know that snakes are legless, elongated creatures which create a fear, uneasiness in our minds. People...
1. “Illusion never changed into something real.” 2. “I seem to have very polite fans, not fanatical...
1. “Science advances one funeral at a time.” 2. “The assumption of an absolute determinism is the...
1. “We who are liberal and progressive know that know that the poor are our equals in...
1. “If an offence come out of the truth better is it that the offense come than...
1. “Patience is the best medicine.” 2. “Night is the mother of thoughts.” 3. “Who will not...
1. “Now equilibrium is the very opposite of disorder.” 2. “In many instances, order is apprehended first...
1. “Visual pollution is more poisonous than any other pollution because it kills the soul.” 2. “You...
1. “Time, which despoils castles, enriches verses.” 2. “To die for a religion is easier than to...
1. “Even by means of our sorrows we belong to the eternal plan.” 2. “A man must...
1. “Truth without love is too hard; love without truth is too soft.” 2. “Serving faith is...
1. “The end of living is the true enjoyment of it.” 2. “It is important that man...
1. “One must fight for a life of action, not reaction.” 2. “Familiarity breeds consent.” 3. “The...