1. “Security isn’t having things, it’s handling things.”
2. “The less you need someone’s approval, the more you are able to love them.”
3. “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
4. “As we open our hearts to to others, we begin to discover the truth of our own beauty, inner strength and inner light.”
5. “No mattre what response you get from anyone you meet, You are a worthwhile person.”
6. “Learn the richness of solitude & quiet. The still small voice is yearning to be heard.”
7. “We can’t control the world, but we can control our reactions to it.”
8. “Listen to the silence… it has much to say.”
9. “Your inner peace has nothing to do with your dramas of your life.”
10. “You’re not a failure if you don’t make it. You’re a success because you tried.”
11. “The biggest pitfall as you make you way through your life is impatience.”
12. “By learning to trust your intuition, miracles seems to happen. Intuitive thoughts are gifts from the higher self.”
13. “We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a companion that accompanies all our exciting adventures.”
14. “As we start looking for the good, our focus automatically is taken off the bad.”
15. “What I try to control ends up controlling me.”
16. “Your joy, your happiness, your satisfaction and your ability to dance with life, depends solely on what you pay attention to.”
17. “If you are not enjoying yourself, you are wasting time.”
18. “We have been taught to believe that negative equals realistic and positive equals unrealistic.”
19. “One step at a time is enough for e. impatience us simply a way of beating yourself up.”
20. “I never knew how high a price one pays for being taken care of.”
21. “The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out… and do it.”
22. “Remember that underlying all our fears is lack of trust in ourselves.”
23. “For some reason, when you become a support to others, you become bigger than you are.”
24. “Rejection never feels good, but it certainly hurts less when we are no needing something from the person who is rejecting us.”
25. “You can have anything in life, but you can’t have everything!”
26. “The wall that protects you, also imprisons you.”
27. “We don’t have to wait until we are old to gather the riches.. We can gather them every day of our lives.”
28. “The truth is that love and power go together.”
29. “Do the thing you fear, it’s sure to disappear.”
30. “Saying yes means getting up and acting on your belief that you can create meaning and purpose in whatever life hands you.”