1. “Imagination at wit’s end spreads its sad wings.”
2. “Where you have nothing, there you should want thing.”
3. “What was God doing with himself before the creation?”
4. “The end of a life is always vivifying.”
5. “In the landscape of extinction, precision is next to godliness.”
6. “Suffering is the main condition of the artistic experience.”
7. “Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.”
8. “Against the charitable gesture there is no defence.”
9. “People are bloody ignorant apes.”
10. “Humbly to ask a favour of people who are on the point of knocking your brains out sometimes produce good results.”
11. “All mankind is us, whether we like it or not.”
12. “Words are all we have.”
13. “Habit is compromise effected between an individual and his environment.”
14. “Life is habit. Or rather life is a succession of habits.”
15. “Poets are the sense, philosophers the intelligence of humanity.”
16. “Better hope deferred than none.”
17. “The search for the means to put an end to things, an end to speech, is what enables the discourse.”
18. “The sky sinks in the morning, this fact has been insufficiently observed.”
19. “If you don’t know where you are currently standing, you’re dead.”
20. “Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that was always my motto.”
21. “Nothing is more real than nothing.”
22. “Fail, fail again, fail better.”
23. “My mistakes are my life.”
24. “God is a witness that cannot be sworn.”
25. “Words are the clothes thoughts wear.”
26. “The only thing you must never speak of is your happiness.”
27. “Habit is a great deadener.”
28. “The only sin is the sin of being born.”
29. “Love requited is a short circuit.”
30. “Don’t look for meaning in the words. Listen to the silences”