1. “Acting is bit like tennis in that you can’t really do it on your own.”
2. “I think a healthy connection with the natural world actually makes us more human.”
3. “True love is an acceptance of someone else for who they are.”
4. “I think we all see ourselves as the heroes in our own lives.”
5. “I’m grateful for people who have believed in me when others might not have.”
6. “Love your life. Because your life is what you have to give.”
7. “Somehow the past is a safe place to explore our collective cultural neuross.”
8. “The different between a hero and a villain is that they just make different choices.”
9. “I think when the world makes you feel rejected, you bite back.”
10. “Truth in drama is elusive. You never quite find it, but the search for it is compulsive.”
11. “The dream is to keep surprising yourself, never mind the audience.”
12. “The thing that keeps you grounded is doing the thing you love.”
13. “We are what the past has made us. We are what the future will make us. Live now. Right now.”
14. “I don’t think anyone, until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return.”
15. “Haters never win. i just think that’s true about life, because negatie energy always costs in the end.”
16. “The character, as written on the page, is just a blueprint for a human being.”
17. “I think cruelty is just loneliness disguised as bitterness.”
18. “Acting takes a degree of mutual trust and respect.”
19. “With any role, you’re extending yourself and acting out things that never happened to you.”
20. “Don’t judge people on who they used to be. Allow them to be who they are now.”
21. “Once you’ve seen certain things, the moral compunction drives you to act.”
22. “Sometimes love really is just that simple.”
23. “People love escapism and there should be a place for it.”
24. “Fame is weird and amorphous and unpredictable.”
25. “Every villain is a hero in his own mind.”
26. “I even feel grateful for the failures.”
27. “Life is generally pretty damn amazing if you let it be.”
28. “The learning is the heavy lifting. You need to get the words into your brain.”
29. “Nurture your own confidence and make it real; don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.”
30. “When people don’t like themselves very much, they have to make up for it. The classic bully was actually a victim first.”