1. “The flower doesn’t dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes.”
2. “We are all continually asked to learn how to ask for what we need, only to practice accepting what we’re given.”
3. “Accepting what we’re given is a practice in being present to everything beyond us that lets us become intimate with the nature of life.”
4. “Every human has an unfathomable gift that only meeting life head on will reveal.”
5. “No bird can fly without opening its wings, and no one can love without exposing their hearts.”
6. “Let the miracles, even the ones we don’t want or see, unfold.”
7. “To be broken is no reason to see all things as broken.”
8. “Anything or anyone that asks you to be other than yourself is not holy, but is trying only to fill its own need.”
9. “Truth is a seed hidden in the days until watered by what life brings us.”
10. “Each of us is born with an incorruptible spot of grace.”
11. “Intuitive listening requires us to still our minds until the beauty of things older than our minds can find us.”
12. “The greedy one gathered all the cherries, while the simple one tasted all the cherries in one”
13. “Repetition is not failure. Ask the waves, ask the leaves, ask the wind.”
14. “The broken door lets in the light. The broken heart lets in the world.”
15. “Tragedy stays alive by feeling what’s been one to us, while peace come alive by living with the results.”
16. “Birds learn how to fly, never knowing where flight will take them.”
17. “The key to knowing joy is being easily pleased.”
18. “The humility of wonder opens everything.”
19. “Wakefulness is not a destination but a song the human heart keeps singing, the way birds keep singing at the first sign of light.”
20. “When we keep choosing between right and wrong. We spend our energy sorting life rather than living it.”
21. “Rather than finding heaven on earth, we are asked to release heaven by living on earth.”
22. “The world needs awakened souls the way a body needs healthy cells.”
23. “We need to give up what no longer works an find new ways of being that keeps us close to what matters.”
24. “Like roots finding water, we always wind up moving towards what sustains us.”
25. “Grief can be a slow ache that never seems to stop rising, yet as we grieve, those we love mysteriously become more a part of who we are.”
26. “The sun doesn’t stop shining because some people are blind.”
27. “In a world that lives like a fist mercy is not more than waking with your hands open.”
28. “Live loud enough in your heart and there is no need to speak.”
29. “Part of the blessing and challenge of being human is that we must discover our own true nature.”
30. “When we heal ourselves, we heal the world.”