Uncategorized 30 Quotes by Mary Parker Follett vishnam November 18, 2022 1. “Idealism and realism meet in the actual.” 2. “Fear of difference is the fear of life itself.” 3. “Democracy must be conceived as a process, not a goal.” 4. “Leader and followers are both following the invisible leader – the common purpose.” 5. “Law should seek far more than mere reconciliation; it should be one of the great creative forces of our social life.” 6. “It is of equal importance with the discovery of facts to know what to do with them.” 7. “What people often mean by getting rid of conflict is getting rid of diversity, and it is of the utmost importance that these should not be considered the same.” 8. “Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. e attain unity only through variety. differences must be integrated, not annihilated, not absorbed.” 9. “Democracy is self-creating coherence.” 10. “All polishing is done by friction.” 11. “Coercive power is the curse of the universe, coactive power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul.” 12. “Crowd action is the outcome of agreement based on concurrence of emotion rather than of thought.” 13. “That is always our problem, not how to get control of people, but how all together we can get control of a situation.” 14. “The divorce of our so-called spiritual life from our daily activities is a fatal dualism.” 15. “There is no such thing as vicarious experienece.” 16. “We are sometime truly to see our life as positive, not negative, as made up of continuous willing, not of constraints and prohibition.” 17. “We must face life as it is and understand that diversity is its most essential feature.” 18. “Management is the art of getting things done through people.” 19. “Conflict is resolved not through compromise, but through invention.” 20. “It is not opposition but indifference which separates men.” 21. “Responsibility is the great developer of men.” 22. “Experience may be hard but we claim its gifts because they are real, even though our feet bleed on its stones.” 23. “We have thought of peace as the passive and war as the active way of living. The opposite is true. War is not the most strenuous life. It is a kind of rest-cure compared to the task of reconciling our differences.” 24. “The unifying of opposites is the eternal process.” 25. “While leadership depends on depth on conviction and the power coming therefrom, there must also be the ability to share that conviction with others.” 26. “Part of the task of the leader is to make others participate in his leadership. The best leader knows how to make his followers actually feel power themselves, not merely acknowledge his power.” 27. “The state accumulates moral power only through the spiritual activity of their ctizens.” 28. “Imitation is for shirkers, like-minded-ness for the comfort lovers, unifying for the creators.” 29. “We should never allow ourselves to be bullied by an either-or. there is often the possibility of something better than either of these two alternatives.” 30. “The best leader does not ask people to serve him, but the common end. The best leader has not followers, but men nd women working with him.” Continue Reading Previous: 30 Quotes by Maurice MaeterlinckNext: 30 Quotes by Robert Greene Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Related Stories Uncategorized The Evolution and Impact of Compact Discs (CDs) in Music and Data Storage vishnam July 3, 2024 Uncategorized The Evolution and Function of Firewalls in Network Security vishnam July 3, 2024 Uncategorized The Ancient Art and Science of Palmistry: Exploring the Mysteries of the Hands vishnam July 3, 2024