1. “It is human nature to look away from illness. We don’t enjoy a reminder of our own fragile mortality.”
2. “Cinema, for me, has always been something like music compose with photographic images.”
3. “Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.”
4. “All i require a religion is that it be tolerant of those who do not agree with it.”
5. “Anyone who reads advice books about romance has one problem to begin with: bad taste in literature.”
6. “The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrifies inside.”
7. “Life is made up of challenges that cannot be solved but only accepted.”
8. “I was perfectly content before I was born, and I think death as the same state.”
9. “All good art is about something deeper than it admits.”
10. “Teaching prejudice to a child is itself a form of bullying you’ve got to be taught to hate.”
11. “The movies that are made thoughtfully or made or with more ambition often get just get drowned out by the noise.”
12. “Many really good films allow us to empathize with other lives.”
13. “That’s what fantasies are for, to help us imagine that things are better than they are.”
14. “It is so comforting to think that we can love so powerfully that fate itself wheels and turns at the command of our souls.”
15. “I think most people are more susceptible to prejudice than to reason.”
16. “Most of us do not consciously look at movies.”
17. “We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matte what our problems, our health, our circumstances. we must try.”
18. “Nothing could be more boring than an absolutely accurate movie about the law.”
19. “Someone once said the fundamental reason we get married is because have a universal human need for a witness.”
20. “We laugh, that we may not cry.”
21. “It’s hard to explain the fun to be found in seeing the right kind of bad movie.”
22. “Praise without merit is more harmful than unearned criticism.”
23. “We are poor mortals, but it dreams to us that we can fly.”
24. “No good movie is too log and no bad movie is short enough.”
25. “Artists are rarely members of the popular crowd.”
26. “I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.”
27. “We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.”
28. “A lot of first novels are written long before they’re actually put down on paper.”
29. “If your religion doesn’t respect the rights of other religions, it is lacking something.”
30. “To make others less happy is a crime. to make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.”