1. “The mystery of the soul is like that of a closed door. When you open it, you see something which was not there before.”
2. “I consider myself responsible to the coming generations, which are left stranded in a blitzed world, unaware of the soul trembling in awe before the mystery of life.”
3. “True dreams and visions should be as visible to the artist as the phenomena of the objective world.”
4. “There is no such thing as a German, French or Anglo-American Expressionism! There are only young people trying to find their bearings in the world.”
5. “Open your eyes at last and see… now I will open the book of the world for you, there are no words in it, just pictures.”
6. “I cannot say why I wanted to paint. The only answer is the pictures themselves.”
7. “Consciousness is a sea ring with vision.”
8. “I used to be too subjective, and I was always tempted to find my inner self in the exterior and dissipate my imagination on other people and on life.”
9. “Intellectually, I am already an old man. But in the sensory area, I am still such a child! I shuffle on my bottom between the two.”
10. “The life of the consciousness is boundless. It interpenetrates the world and is woven in all its imagery. Therefore, we must listen closely to our inner voice.”