1. “God’s truth always agrees with itself.”
2. “Those that look to be happy must first look to be holy.”
3. “Poverty and affliction take away the fuel that feeds pride.”
4. “The winter prepares earth for spring, so do afflictions sanctified prepare the soul for glory.”
5. “The depths of our misery can never fall below the depths of mercy.”
6. “What the heart liketh best, the mind studieth most.”
7. “See a flame in a spark, a tree in a see. See great things in little beginnings.”
8. “God can pick sense out of a confused prayer.”
9. “Providence is the perpetuity and continuance of creation.”
10. “Sin is not so sweet in the committing as it is heavy and bitter in reckoning.”
11. “Self emptiness prepares us for spiritual fulless.”
12. “Times are Bad, God is good.”
13. “It is better to go bruised to heaven than sound to hell.”
14. “What coward would not fight when he is sure of victory?”
15. “When we go to God by prayer, the devil knows we go to fetch strength against him, and therefore he opposes us all he can.”
16. “The way to cover our sin is to uncover it by confession.”
17. “A curse lies upon those that, when the truth suffers have not a word to defend it.”
18. “The wronged side is always the safest.”
19. “Death is only a grim porter to let us into a stately palace.”
20. “There is not a minute of time in all of our life but we must either be near to God or we will be undone.”
21. “It is atheism to pray and not wait on hope.”
22. “A man may be a false prophet and yet speak the truth.”
23. “A sharp reproof sometimes is a precious pearl, and a sweet balm. The wounds of the secure sinners will not be healed with sweet words.”
24. “Nothing is so certain as that which is certain after doubts. Shaking settles and roots.”
25. “A man knows no more in religion than he loves and embraceth with the affections of his soul.”
26. “From our own strength we cannot bear the least trouble, but by the Spirit’s assistance we can bear the greatest”
27. “It is the love in duties that God regards, more than duties themselves.”
28. “Some think it strength of grace to endure nothing in the weaker, whereas the strongest are readiest to bear with the infirmities of the weak.”
29. “It is good to divert our sorrow for other things to the root of all, which is sin. Let our grief run most in that channel, that as sin bred grief, so grief may consume sin.”
30. “Proud men are the devil’s pipes, and flatters the musicians to blow these pipes.”