1. “Justice, love, truth, peace and harmony, a serene unity with science and the laws of the universe.”
2. “We must return to nature and nature’s god.”
3. “I have learnt from Nature that dependence on unnatural beliefs weakens us in the struggle an shortens our breath for the race.”
4. “The clear light of science teaches us that we must be our own saviors, if we are to be found worth saving.”
5. “Plants are are responsive to thought as children.”
6. “Most people’s religion is what they want to believe, not what they do believe.”
7. “The greatest happiness in the world is to make others happy.”
8. “Heredity: the trait that a disobedient child gets from the other parent.”
9. “Science is knowledge arranged and classified according to truth, fats, and the general laws of nature.”
10. “The time has come for honest men to denounce false teachers and attack false gods.”
11. “Less than fifteen per cent of the people do any original thinking on any subject. Thinking is the greatest torture in the world for most people.”
12. “A flower is a educated weed.”
13. “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”
14. “It is well for people who think, to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean.”
15. “Heredity is nothing but stored environment.”
16. “Men should stop fighting among themselves and start fighting insects.”
17. “If we paid no more attention to our plants that we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of wee.”
18. “The secret of improved plant breeding, apart from scientific knowledge, is love.”
19. “For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange once in a while.”
20. “Science is the only savior.”
21. “The scientist is a lover of truth for the very love of truth itself wherever it may lead.”
22. “Obsolete misleading theologies bear the same relation to the essence of true religion that scarlet fever, mumps and measles do the education.”
23. “Prayer may be elevating if combined with work, and they who labor with head, hands or feet have faith and are generally quite sure of an immediate and favorable response.”
24. “The idea that a good God would send people to a burning hell is utterly damnable to me – the raving of insanity, superstition gone to seed! I want no part of such a God.”
25. “Children are the greatest sufferers from outgrown theologies.”
26. “Listen patiently and reverently to the lessons, on by one, which Mother Nature has to teach, shedding light on that which was before a mystery, so that all who will, may see and know.”
27. “Do not feed children on maudlin sentimentalism or dogmatic religion; give them nature.”
28. “I am an infidel. i know what an infidel is, and that’s what I am.”
29. “The integrity of one’s own mind is o infinitely more value than adherence to any creed or system. We must choose between a dead faith belonging to the past and a living, growing ever-advancing science belonging to the future.”
30. “I see humanity now as on vast plant, needing for its highest fulfillment only love, the natural blessings of the great outdoors and intelligent crossings and selection.”