1. “Every real form is a world. And any plastic surface is more alive than a face from which stares a pair of eyes and a smile.”
2. “By suprematism I mean the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art.”
3. “Painting is the aesthetic side of the object but it has never been original, has never been its own goal.”
4. “With the most primitive means the artist creates something which the most ingenious and efficient technology will never be able to create.”
5. “Color is the essence of painting, which the subject always killed.”
6. “A painted surface is a real, living form.”
7. “Only dull and important artists screen their work with sincerity. In art there is need for truth, not sincerity.”
8. “The appearances of natural objects are in themselves meaningless; the essential thing is feeling – in itself and completely independent of the context in which it has been evoked.”
9. “Man’s skull represents the same infinity for the movement of conceptions. It is equal to the universe, for in it is contained all that in it.”
10. “Everywhere there is craft and technique; everywhere there is artistry and form. Art itself, technique, is ponderous and clumsy and because of its awkwardness it obstructs that inner element.”