1. “Generally speaking, the more money that’s involved in anything, the more people are expecting and hoping that it’s going to fail.”
2. “Even now, I’m better around people who are uncomfortable with themselves, the misfits.”
3. “Life is a beautiful thing. But you’re always striving to be better in your art, striving to be heard. And obviously in a movie business, it’s striving to be noticed and appreciated.”
4. “Ignore the naysayers. Really the only option is, head down and focus on the job.”
5. “Working together always works together better… it also appeals to a primal, animal thing, which is that humans are social creatures.”
6. “My brain’s not sharp enough to come up with a witty comment.”
7. “I talk to myself, especially in the car.”
8. “I believe in luck and fate and I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you.”
9. “The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.”
10. “No matter how bad the individual everybody has reasons foe why they do what they do.”
11. “Dating someone on the opposite end of the happy spectrum teaches you an incredible mount of patience.”
12. “The customer is not always right.”
13. “I’m so envious of that genetic wiring that immediately puts a smile on your face. My genetic wiring just puts creases in my eyebrows.”
14. “After many years of self-flagellation, Iv’e realised that beating myself up doesn’t get me anywhere.”
15. “My touchstone is just fear and anxiety and I know a lot about those two awful emotions.”
16. “I don’t know any kid that’s not afraid at some point going to bed with lights off, totally. That’s why they make nightlights.”
17. “I find it really hard to even read another script while shooting.”
18. “Work takes up a lot of my brain space. So when I work, it’s one thing. I don’t have a lot of time to thing about dating.”
19. “I still have anonymity, which is great. I can go out anywhere I want and no one ever recognizes me”
20. “Anybody who’s gone through puberty has understood what it feels like to be an outcast and alone.”