1. “Tradition itself, in times of dogmatism and dogmatic revolution, is a revolutionary force which must be safeguarded.”
2. “Drama is exposure; it is confrontation; it is contradiction and it leads to analysis, construction recognition and eventually to an awakening of understanding.”
3. “You have to live to the responsibility of the person who has won, which is even greater than the responsibility of a person who has lost.”
4. “The work of rehearsal is looking for meaning and then making it meaningful.”
5. “I the theatre, every form once born is mortal; every form must be reconceived, and its new conception will bear the marks of all the influences that surround it.”
6. “Nothing in theatre has any meaning before or after. Meaning is now.”
7. “I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage.”
8. “There are prophets, there are guides and there are argumentative people with theories, and one must be careful to discriminate between them.”
9. “The work of a director can be summed up into two very simple words. Why and How.”
10. “The closeness of reality and the distance of myth, because if there is no distance you aren’t amazed, and if there is no closeness you aren’t moved.”