1. “The greatest natural resource that any country can have is its children.”
2. “I became an entertainer not because I wanted to but because I was meant to.”
3. “The secret of staying fresh in a show is to remember that the audience you’re playing for that night has never seen it before.”
4. “An unemployed jester is nobody’s fool.”
5. “After all is said and done, its usually the wife who has said it and the husband who has done it.”
6. “Housewives spend more money than their husbands make, so that other people think their husbands earn more than they really do.”
7. “I am a wife-made man.”
8. “To travel is to take a journey into yourself”
9. “I wasn’t born a fool. It took work to get this way.”
10. “Children are the same the world over. They may have a different culture, but an ache or a laugh is universal.”
11. “Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever.”
12. “There is a danger in democracy itself.”
13. “When I stopped making films, they were getting on to the more realistic films and the explicit films and all. They were depicting life as it is, and some of it was unpleasant. I gradually move away from that.”
14. “I feel that the most rewarding thing I have ever done in mu life is to be associated with UNICEF.”
15. “Life is a black canvas and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.”