1. “The more alien that you make your environment, the more likely it is that you will be sick.”
2. “We live in a society where crazy is the new normal.”
3. “Never underestimate a smart person.”
4. “Research is turning the unknown into reality.”
5. “Modern architecture has the potential to sen you to an early grave.”
6. “Lots of small steps equates to a giant leap.”
7. “A confused mind tens to be the most creative.”
8. “Political corruption work by having an equally corrupt legal system to protect it.”
9. “You can tell a lot about a person’s priorities in life by reading their will.”
10. “The best friend that I ever had was invisible.”
11. “Modern society is a biological disaster masquerading as progress.”
12. “Jail has become the biggest mental health hospital.”
13. “Mistakes are the foundation of achievement.”
14. “Human resources is typically the most corrupt in a company.”
15. “The trees will tell their secrets to those that tune in”
16. “The key to being a prolific discoverer is to take the routes that few have traveled.”
17. “Complex problems often have simple solutions.”
18. “We live in a blatantly corrupt world and smart people engage in the wise practice of risk management.”
19. “Energy fields define who we are as humans.”
20. “The freedom of death is the ultimate compensation for the misery of life.”
21. “The police can be more corrupt than the criminals.”
22. “Laws are designed by corporate governments to control the behaviors of their mass populations.”
23. “The insane human mind is the greatest scientific instrument known to mankind.”
24. “Mankind i busily manufacturing its way into extinction.”
25. “The best stories are those that detail triumph over adversity.”
26. “The modern human is drowning in an invisible sea of an made energy.”
27. “Once the body has atrophied, you will become vulnerable to many conditions.”
28. “Writing quotes is physiotherapy for the brain.”
29. “The biggest mistake a person can make is to lie to an engineer about a subject that they specialize in.”
30. “There are no limits in the universe of imagination.”