1. “Genius is a capacity for taking trouble.”
2. “Change is the name for our ignorance.”
3. “Walking is the natural recreation for a man who desires not absolutely to suppress his intellect but to turn it out to play for a season. All great men of letters have therefore been enthusiastic walkers.”
4. “A good talker, even more than a good orator, implies a good audience.”
5. “The truth cannot be asserted without denouncing the falsehood.”
6. “He who sees only what is before his eyes sees the worst part of every view.”
7. “If you wish at once to do nothing and be respectable nowadays, the best pretext is to be at work on some profound study.”
8. “A poet should touch our heart by showing his own.”
9. “The division of faith and reason is a half-measure, till it is frankly admitted that faith has to do with fiction, and reason with fact.”
10. “Every man who says frankly an fully what he thinks is doing a pubic service.”