1. “Innovative people do not need to be told to do it, they need to be allowed to do it.”
2. “If you forgo your plan, you also have to forgo fear.”
3. “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”
4. “In a networked world, trust is the most important currency.”
5. “The self driving car is not self-aware. Its just driving; it’ not thinking.”
6. “We run the company by questions, not by answers.”
7. “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
8. “Mobile is the future, and there’s no such thing as communication overload.”
9. “I still believe that sitting down and reading a book is the best way to really learn something.”
10. “The lack of a delete button on the internet is a significant issue.”
11. “In a world where everything is remembered and everything is kept forever, you need to live for the future and things you really care about.”
12. “The Internet is really about highly specialized information, highly specialized targeting.”
13. “The coach doesn’t have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best.”
14. “People are surprise to find out that an awful lot of people think they’re idiots.”
15. “The Internet is fast becoming a cesspool where false information thrive.”
16. Find a way to say yes to things”.”
17. “It’s amazing to me that we let humans drive cars… It a bug that cars were invented before computer.”
18. “The computing world is very good a things that we are not. It is very good at memory.”
19. “Google is more than a business. Google is a belief system. And we believe passionately in the open Internet model.”
20. “Washington is n incumbent protection machine. Technology is fundamentally disruptive.”
21. “Do not be afraid to fail, but also, do not be afraid to succeed.”
22. “There’s nothing that cannot be found through some search engine or on the internet somewhere.”
23. “I think I can argue that the press has more impact on politics than corporations.”
24. “We weren’t here to hope and hang on. We wanted to win.”
25. “In general in technology, if you own a platform that’s valuable, you can monetize it.”
26. “One person’s definition of evil is another person’s differnt definition.”
27. “A mind set in its ways is wasted. Don’t do it.”
28. “There’s a set of people who are intrinsic opportunists to everything Google does.”
29. “Just remember when you post something, the computers remember forever.”
30. “Th solution to government surveillance is to encrypt everything.”