1. “Live according to your highest light and more light will be given.”
2. “Many people who say they have financial problems really mean that they want more than they need.”
3. “Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you’ll hardly have time to think about food.”
4. “It is not through judgement that the good in people can be reached, but through love and faith.”
5. “Before the tongue can speak, if must have lost the power to wound.”
6. “There is great freedom in simplicity of living.”
7. “There is something to that old saying that hate injures the hater, not the hated.”
8. “If you have a negative thought about the world situation, dwell upon the best that could happen in that situation.”
9. “What we usually call human evolution is the awakening of the divine nature within us.”
10. “A life without problems would be a barren existence, without the opportunity for spiritual growth.”
11. “Prayer is a concentration of positive thoughts.”
12. “Evil cannot be overcome by more evil. Evil can only be overcome by good. It is the lesson of the way of love .”
13. “Religion is not an end in itself. One’s union with God is the ultimate goal.”
14. “.Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return”
15. “Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential.”
16. “It’s the one who doesn’t know it can’t be done who does it!”
17. “I believe that the means you use will determine the end you receive.”
18. “The best way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things.”
19. “Life is a series of tests; but if you pass your tests, you look back upon them as good experiences.”
20. “People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them.”
21. “You are within God. God is within you.”
22. “If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”
23. “Keep your feet on the ground and your thoughts at lofty heights.”
24. “A pilgrim is a wanderer with purpose.”
25. “Anything you strive to hold captive will hold you captive, and if you desire freedom you must give freedom.”
26. “The valid research for the future is on the inner side, on te spiritual side.”
27. “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.”
28. “Inner peace is found by facing life squarely, solving its problems, and delving as far beneath its surface as possible to discover its verities and realities.”
29. “We are all cells in the same body of humanity.”
30. “It is those who have enough but not too much who are he happiest.”