1. “The greatest sin is judgement without knowledge.”
2. “Fame obviously has become a premium in everybody’s life. Everybody thinks they deserve it, everybody thinks they want it and most people really don’t enjoy it once they get it.”
3. “I think it’s your duty to overcome what you inherit in life.”
4. “Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.”
5. “Apologizes are pointless, regrets come too late. What matters is you can me, on you can grow.”
6. “My life is a party thrown for me by my own decisions.”
7. “Life is supposed to get tough.”
8. “I don’t know if I’m addicted to fame; fame is more of an unpleasant circumstance of an addiction to creativity.”
9. “A child is a reinvigorating experience. It almost does feel like immortality, but not in the way people think. It reminds us there are universal truths that are most simply seen through the mind of a young person.”
10. “It takes a very strange person to enjoy fame, wit all the by-products that come with it. It’ not necessarily a thrill.”