1. “In a world where nearly one billion people lie near the edge of physical survival the relevance of intentional simplicity by he more affluent people of the world cannot be over estimated.”
2. “Voluntary simplicity has more to do with the state of mind than a person’s physical surroundings and possessions.”
3. “To consciously evolve, we require clear vision of a compassionate future that draws out our enthusiastic participation in life.”
4. “Only after people express their anger and sadness over the broken dreams of material prosperity will they turn to the task of building a sustainable economy.”
5. “The character of a whole society is the cumulative result of countless small actions, day in and day out, of millions aof persons.”
6. “Compassion will no longer be seen as a spiritual luxury for a contemplative fe; rather it will be viewed as a social necessity for the entire human family.”
7. “It seems to me that inner growth is the whole moving force behind voluntary simplicity.”
8. “Satisfactions are fufillment of the heart. Dissatisfactions are the rumblings of the mind.”
9. “We are the leaders that we have been waiting for. We are the social innovators and entrepreneurs that we have been seeking.”
10. “Simplicity means to choose ways of living that touch the Earth more lightly and that reduce our ecological footprint.”