1. “To keep an active mind, I find that reading novels is really good.”
2. “When women are in positions of power it’s a hard place to be, especially when that position involves bossing men around.”
3. “True badassery has no gender.”
4. “There’s a lot more historical baggage to deal with as a wife than as a partner.”
5. “We need to organize and figure out our own voice as a bloc and stop doubting ourselves.”
6. “It’s not just politicians who underestimate us; we underestimate ourselves.”
7. “Nobody wants anything bad to happen; the other side isn’t evil.”
8. “The best thing about serial drama – especially about screwball comedy – is blocked love.”
9. “Secrets ae great for acting. Secrets are the best thing in the world for acting, because they keep you looking like you have something in the back of your mind.”
10. “Sitting out of politics isn’t really an option if you don’t want thigs to slide.”