1. “When you’ve got a great business going, you go open another and take the risk of losing the whole thing. It’s fun!”
2. “We didn’t do wrong things because we didn’t want to embarrass our parents.”
3. “I think the most wonderful thing in the world is another chef. I’m always excited about learning new things about food”
4. “You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.”
5. “I don’t think life is to be taken too seriously. Take it too seriously, and it’ll getcha.”
6. “Have fun. Do something nobody else had done before, or has done since.”
7. “We’re working people, and that’s what we like to do, work.”
8. “We had no electricity, no gas. Food was probably our greatest entertainment – the most fun thing that we could do was food.”
9. “One of my missions was to teach.”
10. “What I think and what the world thinks is totally different.”