1. “By surrendering my life to the revolution, I found eternal life.”
2. “The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man.”
3. “You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”
4. “Sometimes if you want to get rid of the gun, you have to pick the gun up.”
5. “My fear was not of death itself, but a death without meaning.”
6. “Power is the ability to define phenomena and make it act in a desired manner.”
7. “You can only die once, so do not die a thousand times worrying about it.”
8. “We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism.”
9. “The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution.”
10. “The task is to transform society; only the people can do that – not heroes, not celebrities, not stars.”
11. “To die for the racists is lighter than a feather, but to die for the people is heavier than any mountain and deeper than any sea.”
12. “Laws should be made to serve the people. People should not be made to serve the laws.”
13. “If you stop struggling, then you stop life.”
14. “I do not expect the white media create positive black images.”
15. “Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment.”
16. “There will be no prison which can hold our movement down.”
17. “I think what motivates people is not great hate, but great love for other people.”
18. “The United States is already antique.”
19. “I have the people behind me and the people are my strength.”
20. “Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite.”