1. “There is nothing more mysterious than destiny – of a person, of our species, of our planet, or of the universe itself.”
2. “Embrace your death…. Cherish your awareness of death as a gift from the universe.”
3. “The earth was once molten rock and now sings operas.”
4. “The universe shivers with wonder in the depths of the human.”
5. “Humans enter this world and awaken to a simple truth: We must find our story with this great epic of being.”
6. “The large is our destiny: to allow the Earth to organize in a new way, in a manner impossible all the billions of years prior to humanity.”
7. “All professions, all work, all activity in the human world finds its essential meaning in the context of a people’s cosmic story.”
8. “When humans find themselves surrounded by nothing but objects, the response is always one of loneliness.”
9. “This is the greatest discovery of the scientific enterprise: You take hydrogen gas, and you leave it alone, and it turns into rosebuds, giraffes and humans.”
10. “The universe is an inexhaustible celebration of ultimate mystery!”