1. “The adventure of the sun is the greatest natural drama by which we live.”
2. “Learn to reverence night and to put away the vulgar fear of it.”
3. “The seas are the heart’s blood of the earth.”
4. “Do no dishonor to the earth lest you dishonor the spirit of man.”
5. “It is only when we are aware of the earth and of the earth as poetry that we truly live.”
6. “Poetry is as necessary to comprehension as science. It is as impossible to live without reverence as it is without joy.”
7. “To know only artificial night is as absurd and evil as to know only artificial day.”
8. “Nature is a part of our humanity, and without some awareness and experience of that divine mystery man ceases to be man.”
9. “Into every corner into all forgotten things and nooks, nature struggles to pour life, pouring life into the dead, life into life itself.”
10. “Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the ne of life and time.”