1. “Heal the past, live the present, dream the future.”
2. “Life is too short to sleep it all away!”
3. “There’s no better friend than a sister.”
4. “Life is too short to leave your walls bare or colorless. Unless you like bare and colorless then it is fine.”
5. “The golden opportunity you are seeking is within yourself.”
6. “Everyday life inspires me, the situations that we all find ourselves in at one time or another.”
7. “If you pray for rain, be prepared to deal with some mud.”
8. “Time flies whether you are having fun or not.”
9. “Happiness is grown in one’s own garden.”
10. “One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself.”
11. “Friendship needs no reason.”
12. “Walk towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.”
13. “Life’s too mysterious to take it too serious.”
14. “If the ship hasn’t come in, swim out to it.”
15. “Learn from the rejection and turn it into opportunity!”
16. “Wherever you go, there you are!”
17. “Endure an keep yourself for days of happiness.”
18. “Not what you do but how you do it, is the test of your capacity.”
19. “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”
20. “If you don’t like something change it, change the way you think about it.”