1. “Entertainment is all right, but entertainment with an idea behind it is much more important.”
2. “Faith gives you an inner strength an a sense of balance and perspective in life.”
3. “I don’t think I could stay interested for a couple of months in a character of mean motivation.”
4. “They say he bad guys are more interesting to play but there is more to it than that – playing the good guys is more challenging because it’ harder to make them interesting.”
5. “The emotion is the music and the script is the libretto.”
6. “Tough times don’t last, tough people do, remember?”
7. “It just seems silly to me that something so right and simple has to be fought for at all.”
8. “Overacting is a self-indulgence, while underacting comes either through a lack of talent or a lack of courage.”
9. “If you have to tell them who you are, you aren’t anybody.”
10. “I don’t lecture and I don’t grind any axes. I just want to entertain.”