1. “You can’t satisfy everybody; especially if there are those who will be dissatisfied unless not everybody is satisfied.”
2. “Instead of trying to prove your opponent wrong, try to see in what sense he might be right.”
3. “What else can matter to us, other than how lives feel from the inside?.”
4. “Whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is itself just.”
5. “Taxation of earning from labor is on par with force labor.”
6. “Evolutionary cosmology formulates theories in which a universe is capable of giving rise to and generating future universes out of itself, within black holes or whatever.”
7. “No state more extensive than the minimal state can be justified.”
8. “The socialist society would have to forbid capitalist acts between consenting adults.”
9. “From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen.”
10. “Only the refusal to listen guarantees one against being ensnared by the truth.”
11. “A distribution is just if it arises rom another just distribution by legitimate means.”
12. “Through the evolutionary process, those who are able to engage in social cooperation of various sorts so better in survival and reproduction.”
13. “The scientists often have ore unfettered imaginations than current philosophers do. Relativity theory came as a complete surprise to philosophers, and so did quantum mechanics, and so did other things.”
14. “Justice in holdings is historical; it depends upon what actually has happened. We shall return to this point later.”
15. “There is room for words on subjects other than last words.”