1. “It takes a person with a mission to succeed.”
2. “I love being around people who work with their hands, who do the hard things to keep our country going. They’re just my kind of people.”
3. “Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”
4. “You didn’t think of angels as white or black. They were angels.”
5. “Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.”
6. “To define each of us by our race is nothing short of a denial of our humanity.”
7. “The only people who have quick answers don’t have the responsibility of making decisions.”
8. “Perhaps some are confused because they have stereotypes of how blacks should be and I respectfully decline, as I did in my youth, to sacrifice who I am for who they think I should be.”
9. “A judge should be evaluated by whether he faithfully upholds his oath to God, not to the people, to the state or to the Constitution.”
10. “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect and protect us as equal before the law.”
11. “I don’t really have the luxury to be bitter. I don’t have the luxury of having negative things in my life.”
12. “The truth of the matter is we have become more interested in designer jeans and break dancing than we are in obligations and responsibilities.”
13. “I grew up in a religious environment, and I’m proud of it.”
14. “Religious liberty is bout freedom of action in matters of religion generally, and the scope of that liberty is directly correlated to the civil restraints place upon religious practice.”
15. “I do think that our freedoms are at risk.”