1. “The role of infinitely small is infinitely large.”
2. “Predicting the future is actually the primary reason that we have a brain.”
3. “Order is information that fits a purpose. The measure of order is the measure of how well the information fits the purpose.”
4. “Death gives meaning to our lives. it gives importance and value to time. time would become meaningless if there were too much of it.”
5. “Play is just another version of work.”
6. “The story of evolution unfolds with increasing levels of abstraction.”
7. “The purposeful destruction of information is the essence of intelligent work.”
8. “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out.”
9. “Our first invention was the story.”
10. “If the mind were simple enough for us to understand, we would be too simple to understand.”
11. “Information defines your personality, your memories, yur skills.”
12. “The telephone is virtual reality in that you you can meet with someone as if you are together at least for the auditory sense.”
13. “By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people.”
14. “Science fiction is the great opportunity to speculate on what could happen. it does give me, as a futurist, scenarios.”
15. “All different forms of human expression, art, science, ae going to become expanded, by expanding our intelligece.”
16. “What we spend our time on is probably the most important decision we make.”
17. “The past is over; the present is fleeting; we live in the future.”
18. “Time would become meaningless if there were too much of it.”
19. “There are downsides to every technology. Fire kept us warm, but also burned down our villages.”
20. “As order exponentially increases, time exponentially speed up.”
21. “Find your passion, learn how to add value to it, and commit to a lifetime of learning.”
22. “I consider myself an inventor, entrepreneur and author.”
23. “Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge.”
24. “Nature, and the natural human condition, generates tremendous suffering. We have the means to overcome that and we should deploy it.”
25. “Biological evolution is too slow for the human species. over the next few decades, it’s going to be left in the dust.”
26. “I do have to pick my priorities. Nobody can do everything.”
27. “The fate of the universe is a decision yet to be made, one which we will intelligently consider when the time is right.”
28. “Intuition is linear; our imaginations are weak. Even the brightest of us only extrapolate from what we know now; for the most part, we’re afraid to really stretch.”
29. “We are democratizing the tools of creativity.”
30. “Emotional intelligence is what humans are good at and that’s not a sideshow. That’s the cutting edge of human intelligence.”