1. “The is no democracy without socialism, and no socialism without democracy.”
2. “The masses are in reality their own leaders, dialectically creating their own development process.”
3. “The working class in every count only learn to fight in the course of their struggles.”
4. “The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening.”
5. “Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.”
6. “Those who do not move, o ot notice their chains.”
7. “Women’s freedom is the sign of social freedom.”
8. “People for the most part pass by the loveliest things in life without paying attention.”
9. “History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat.”
10. “Life is singing also in the sand crunching under the slow and heavy steps of the guards, when we know how to listen to it.”
11. “Work for legal reform takes place only within the framework of the social form created by the last revolution.”
12. “The masses are the decisive element, they are the rock on which the final victory of the revolution will be built.”
13. “Before a revolution happens, it is perceived as impossible; after it happens it is seen as having been inevitable.”
14. “The most revolutionary act is a clear view of the world as it really is.”
15. “Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations.”
16. “Self-criticism, cruel, unsparing criticism that goes to the very root of the evil, is life and breath for the proletarian movement.”
17. “We will be victorious if we have not forgotten how to learn.”
18. “The victory of socialism will not descend like fate from heaven.”
19. “Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.”
20. “Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible.”