1. “The morality of customs, the spirit of the laws, produce the man emancipated from the law.”
2. “The philosopher must become non-philosopher so that non-philosophy becomes the earth and people of philosophy.”
3. “A leftist government doesn’t exist because being on he left has nothing to do with governments.”
4. “A tyrant institutionalises stupidity, but he is the first servant of his own system and the first to be installed within it.”
5. “It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.”
6. “A concept is a brick. it can be used to build a courthouse. of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window”
7. “Philosophy, art and science are not mental objects of an objectified brain but the three aspects under which the brain becomes subject.”
8. “The shadow escapes from the body like an animal we had been sheltering.”
9. “Drunkenness as a triumphant irruption of the plant in us.”
10. “Being exhausted is much more than being tired.”
11. “An image of thought called philosophy has been formed historically and it effectively stops people from thinking.”
12. “I believe strongly that philosophy has nothing to do with specialists.”
13. “We head for the horizon on the plane of immanence, an we return with bloodshot eyes, yet they are the eyes of the mind.”
14. “There’s no democratic state that’s not compromised to the very core by its part in generating human misery.”
15. “Paradox is the pathos or the passion of philosophy.”
16. “The percept is the landscape before man, in absence of man.”
17. “We are taught that corporations have a soul, which is the most terrifying news in the world.”
18. “There is no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons”
19. “Every animal is fundamentally a band, a pack.”
20. “A minority may be bigger than a majority.”
21. “A creator is someone who creates their own impossibilities and thereby creates possibilities.”
22. “The philosopher creates, he doesn’t reflect.”
23. “Evaluations, in essence, are… ways of being, modes of existence of those who judge and evaluate.”
24. “Intuition is neither a feeling, an inspiration nor a disorderly sympathy but a fully developed method.”
25. “Is it not first through the voice that one becomes animal?.”
26. “Underneath all reason lies delirium and drift.”
27. “Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?”
28. “My eye, my brain, are images, parts of my body. How could my brain contain images since it is one image among others?”
29. “You never walk alone. Even the devil is the lord of flies.”
30. “Reading something from beginning to end. That is reading with love.”