1. “When opportunity knocks all some people can do is complain about the noise.”
2. “Men are only as loyal as their options.”
3. Suicide is man’s way of telling God. ‘You can’t fire me – I quit.’
4. “I think capital punishment works great. Every killer you kill never kills again.”
5. “If you have a gun, you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone.”
6. “Don’t get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.”
7. “Curious people are interesting people; I wonder why that is.”
8. “Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don’t have all the answers to think that they do.”
9. “Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.”
10. “Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease.”
11. “I think religion is a neurological disorder.”
12. “I hate stupidity, but what I hate even more is when people actually brag about it.”
13. “Fascism is when corporations become the government.”
14. “To a coward courage always looks like stupidity.”
15. “You don’t need a weapon to protect yourself.”
16. “I think what’s dangerous is the idea that someone can wash away your sins.”
17. “Life is not like a box of chocolates unless there’s a few turds in the box.”
18. “False hope really makes you cynical.”
19. “Some people think I enjoy debate. I don’t. I wish everyone agreed with me; it would save a lot of time.”
20. “Death is nature’s way of killing you.”
21. “Greed can overtake smart.”
22. “I am so tired of rearranging my life around what the stupidest people might do.”
23. “The plain fact is: religion must die for mankind to live.”
24. “You can’t claim you’re for peace if you’re not willing to disturb it.”
25. “Love does not conquer all.”
26. “It’s hard not to be condescending when you’re explaining something to an idiot.”
27. “One of the advantages of atheism is takes so little of your time.”
28. “Stupidity is not another form of knowledge.”
29. “Denying racism is the new racism.”
30. “Faith means the purposeful suspension of critical thinking. It’s nothing to be admired.”