1. “You can’t create an new reality with the same personality.”
2. “All the world of experience, including matter, is the material manifestation of transcendent forms of consciousness.”
3. “It is not just do do do. It is not just be be be. It is do be do be do.”
4. “The evidence for God is within us, but to see it we have to be subtle. To live it, we have to grow.”
5. “A map is not the territory and is not as interesting as the territory.”
6. “Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia, making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation.”
7. “The world is not determined by initial conditions, once and for all. Every event of measurement is potentially creative and may open new possibilities.”
8. “Consciousness not matter, is the ground for all existence.”
9. “Contrary to what they tell you… You are not a limited material.”
10. “Consciousness is the true reality, and matter is an epiphenomenon bordering on trivial.”
11. “For many years quantum physics had been giving indications that there are levels of reality other than the material level.”
12. “With nonlocal connection we are forced to conceptualize a domain of reality outside space-time because a nonlocal connection cannot happen in space-time.”
13. “Consciousness is the ground of being.”
14. “Any attempt to dismiss a phenomenon that is not understood merely by explaining it as hallucination becomes irreverent when a coherent scientific theory can be applied.”
15. “We can truly see that consciousness is operating creatively even in biology, even in the evolution of species.”